Comments on: Demographics & Salary A national study of nonprofit executive leadership Fri, 27 Jan 2012 01:33:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lynn Hagerman Lynn Hagerman Fri, 27 Jan 2012 01:33:21 +0000 It is correct to interpret from the first graph that the selection of ED in a nonprofit is an 'auxiliary' career, since the pay contributes such a small % to gross household income'? i.e. to be an ED one has to have a partner making the fundamental income for the household??? tx, It is correct to interpret from the first graph that the selection of ED in a nonprofit is an ‘auxiliary’ career, since the pay contributes such a small % to gross household income’? i.e. to be an ED one has to have a partner making the fundamental income for the household???


By: Marla Cornelius Marla Cornelius Mon, 23 Jan 2012 17:24:23 +0000 Agreed, the study does show that men are disproportionately represented in executive director roles of larger organizations, and therefore receiving higher salaries than executive directors of smaller organizations where the salaries tend to be lower. I think this is indeed an area that deserves more attention and conversation across our sector. Thanks for the post! Marla Cornelius Agreed, the study does show that men are disproportionately represented in executive director roles of larger organizations, and therefore receiving higher salaries than executive directors of smaller organizations where the salaries tend to be lower. I think this is indeed an area that deserves more attention and conversation across our sector. Thanks for the post!

Marla Cornelius

By: Marjorie Love, MSW Marjorie Love, MSW Sun, 22 Jan 2012 15:49:12 +0000 The topic of my graduate thesis (in 1983) was women in social work management. I seem to remember that in eras when men dominated these management roles, the work was more highly paid. When women got more seats at the table, the jobs were "worth" less money. Your data about men currently holding most of the higher paying E.D. jobs (at the largest nonprofits) seems to confirm that, after almost 30 years, not much has changed. The topic of my graduate thesis (in 1983) was women in social work management. I seem to remember that in eras when men dominated these management roles, the work was more highly paid. When women got more seats at the table, the jobs were “worth” less money. Your data about men currently holding most of the higher paying E.D. jobs (at the largest nonprofits) seems to confirm that, after almost 30 years, not much has changed.

By: Marla Cornelius Marla Cornelius Tue, 11 Oct 2011 16:18:35 +0000 Peaches, We did find gender differences within compensation levels. Please note the section above that provides some information about salary difference. Marla Peaches,

We did find gender differences within compensation levels. Please note the section above that provides some information about salary difference.


By: Peaches Bass Peaches Bass Wed, 05 Oct 2011 15:20:25 +0000 I'm wondering if the gender wage gap applies to nonprofit EDs. I would be interested in seeing the breakdownn of compensation for females and males. Is that available? Thanks. I’m wondering if the gender wage gap applies to nonprofit EDs.

I would be interested in seeing the breakdownn of compensation for females and males. Is that available?

